Organizations and Clubs

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Temple College has many student clubs/organizations on campus. Through these clubs/organizations, students are given the opportunity to become involved in planning activities, making new friends and developing leadership skills. Temple College has diverse clubs and organizations and is always open to expanding activity offerings.

Honor Societies
Phi Theta Kappa (PTK)

PTK is the international honor society for students in two-year colleges. Temple College was granted a charter for the Lambda Theta chapter of Phi theta Kappa on Nov. 17, 1960. To be eligible for membership in PTK, a student must have completed 12 semester hours leading to a degree conferred by the college and rank academically within the upper 10 percent of the student body. Members are selected on the basis of character, citizenship and scholarship.

Sponsor: Ray Stockstad


Psi Beta (Psychology Honor Society)          

This national honor society in psychology for community colleges is designed to stimulate, encourage, and recognize scholarship and interest in psychology. To be eligible for membership, a student must have completed one course of psychology with a “B” or better and have an overall GPA of 3.0.

Sponsor: Christine Simon


Sigma Kappa Delta (English Honor Society)

Sigma Kappa Delta is open to students who have completed one semester of college and at least one college English course, have no grade lower than a B in English, and have a minimum grade point average of 3.0.

Sponsor: Christopher Krejci

Associate Degree Nursing Student Organization (ADNSO)

Membership is restricted to students currently enrolled in the Associate Degree Nursing program. ADNSO promotes opportunities to develop experience in contributing to a professional organization and enhances member knowledge of health care concerns or issues.

Sponsor: Claudia Turner


Association of Respiratory Care Students (ARCS)

The Association of Respiratory Care Students (ARCS) is open to students who are enrolled in the respiratory care program at Temple College. The purpose of the organization is to promote greater interest and awareness of the Respiratory Therapy program at Temple College; to further the awareness of technological advancements and to broaden the scope of study in respiratory therapy. Promote public awareness of the respiratory care profession; participate in community health promotions and educational activities; and to encourage membership and participation in TSRC and NBRC.

Sponsor: Donald Sims


Association of Student Surgical Technologists (ASST)

This organization is designed to promote interest in Surgical Technology and to further member's awareness of technological advancements through workshops, meetings, and visits to medical centers. Membership is restricted to those students enrolled in the Temple College Surgical Technology program.

Sponsor: Alicia Buck


Association of Student Vocational Nurses (ASVN)

Membership in ASVN is restricted to students currently enrolled in the Vocational Nursing Program. The purpose of this organization is to promote understanding of the nursing fields and related areas, and to further the member's awareness in technological advancements through workshops, meetings and visits to medical centers and nursing seminars.

Sponsor: Audra Xenakis 


Student American Dental Hygienists’ Association (SADHA)

This organization is restricted to students who are enrolled in the Dental Hygiene program. The purpose of SADHA is to cultivate, promote, and sustain the art and science of dental hygiene, to represent and safeguard the common interest of members of the dental hygiene profession, and to contribute toward the improvement of the oral health of the public.

Sponsor: Emmy Johnston

Art Club

Provides students with a space to develop artistic skills and enjoy the company of like-minded artists. Also offers lessons and activities that cover traditional methods of creating art as well as modern, digital techniques.

Sponsor: Jessica Just


Association of Texas Professional Educators (ATPE)

This organization provides professional development opportunities for education majors. Members receive discounts on school supplies and other needed items.

Sponsor: Tammy Baca


Baptist Student Ministries (BSM)

Provides weekly programs of worship, inspiration, and study that will be in keeping with Christian living. BSM is a Christian student organization open to all students regardless of their denominational affiliation.

Sponsor: Vacant


Business Club

Gives students who aspire to a career in business the opportunity to join together and learn skills needed to advance in their future careers. The club invites outside business professionals to speak at meetings, gives training in answering common job interview questions, provides help with resume writing, and sponsors site visits to local employers.

Sponsor: Lisa Keil


Criminal Justice Club (Lambda Alpha Epsilon)

Gives students with similar goals the opportunity to join together for social and professional functions. Joining together with law enforcement agencies in the community gives students a better understanding of the complex problems facing law enforcement today. Students wishing to become members must be enrolled in Temple College, either taking courses or majoring in criminal justice.

Sponsor: Vacant


Dance Company

Promotes fellowship among dancers in our school as well as surrounding areas by sponsoring activities, performance opportunities and workshops.

Sponsor: Vacant


EWCHEC Student Ambassadors

The purpose of this organization is to provide any EWCHEC student the opportunity to support the local community through volunteer efforts and promote the East Williamson County Higher Education Centers through partnerships in the community.



Gay-Straight Alliance (GSA/TCGSA)

Promotes awareness and educates the campus and the community about the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and alternative sex and gender culture. The group provides support for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals on campus and their families and friends.

Temple Sponsor: Norm Bergeron
Taylor Sponsor: Christopher Krejci 


International Student Association

The International Student Association is open to all international students and non-international students who have interest in international issues. The organization’s motto is “Unity in Diversity,” and it is here to help students share their cultural experiences from different parts of the world while attending Temple College. Events include weekly meetings, general meetings and many cultural activities all year round.

Sponsor: Vacant


LULAC Council 22305 - Young Adult League of United Latin American Citizens

The purpose of this organization is to cultivate a better understanding of the Latin-American culture, to perform services related to Temple College and the community, to promote more interest in Spanish, and to encourage Latin-Americans to continue their education. The organization has been named State Council of the Year in 2016 and 2017, and National Council of the Year in 2017. The Council is chartered through the National LULAC organization and abides by that organization’s constitution and bylaws. Membership is open to all Temple College students, ages 18-29, who are interested in the Latin-American culture. TC alumni (ages 18-29) who are attending higher education institutions that do not have a LULAC chapter may join or continue membership in the LULAC Council 22305 at Temple College.

Sponsor: Agostine Trevino


National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

The NAACP-TC Chapter is a minority-based organization with an interest in increasing the social awareness of the student body and to educate the campus about issues affecting minority students both on and off campus. The organization is opened to all students.

Sponsor: Vacant


Psychology Club

The Psychology Club is a social organization composed of psychology majors and those with an interest in the field of psychology, or who want to explore and clarify issues of truth, value and moral concern. The club is for students with an inquiring mind and a passion for knowledge. It is a great way for students to come together and discuss psychology and its place in today’s society.

Sponsor: Christine Simon


Science Club

Science Club is for students who are interested in any phase of the sciences. It provides a broad program of interest in biology, physics, and chemistry. The club sponsors field trips to centers of scientific activity and encourages student research reports, and discussions of classical and current topics in science. The club is affiliated with the Texas Academy of Science Collegiate Academy.

Sponsor: Felix Greco


Society of Physics Students (SPS)

The Society of Physics Students (SPS) is a professional association explicitly designed for students. The only requirement for membership is that you be interested in physics or astronomy. Besides physics majors, members include majors in chemistry, computer science, engineering, geology, mathematics, medicine, and other related fields. The chapter at Temple College is involved with research in stellar evolution.

Sponsor: John McClain


Stem Club

Offers co-curricular competitions, events and other activities that help build academic foundations and technical skills in science, technology, engineering and math. The club is a collegiate chapter of SkillsUSA.

Sponsor: Dr. Sandra Melendez


Student Government Association (SGA)

Organized as the College Council in 1950, the present Student Government Association (SGA) has evolved through several constitutional revisions since its inception. Membership is made up of the elected officers. The objectives of the Student Government Association are to assist in the development of the student body, coordinate student activities, seek an understanding of and a solution to student problems, serve as the coordinating body of the social/service organization, and provide student input into the administration of Temple College.

Sponsor: Agostine Trevino


Student Veterans of America (SVA)

Provides a social group and support structure to help veterans adjust to, and become successful in, civilian and college life. It raises awareness for veterans issues and facilitates the dissemination of information to veterans. It also promotes community service and volunteerism as well as organizes worthwhile projects and events pertaining to veterans and their needs and issues.

Sponsor: Patrick Finnegan

Student Organization/Clubs Gallery

Temple College Dance Company for 2024

Temple College Dance Company

Temple College Dance Company for 2024

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