Frequently Asked Questions

Hours of Operation

Fall Hours

Monday - Thursday: 8 am - 9 pm
Friday: 8 am - 4 pm
Saturday - Sunday: 1 pm - 5 pm


Thanksgiving: November 27 - 30

Winter Holiday: December 19 - January 1

Weekends: December 14-15, January 4-5, January 11

Reduced Hours

December 16-18: 8am-6pm

January 2 & 6-9: 8am-6pm

January 3 & 10: 8am-Noon

Q: How do I access library databases from home?

A: You can find directions in our Libguides: Temple College Home Page-> Students -> Library Link -> Resources -> Library Guides -> Database Troubleshooting.

Q: I am trying to log in to digital library resources and the error message says my TC username or password is incorrect. What should I do?

A: Log into the databases using your Temple College username and password that you would use for your email or D2L.

A: You can also contact the IT Helpdesk and they can reset your password.

Call: 254-298-8450 or email:

Q: I have books checked out, what do I do?

A: Books can be returned to the book drop box near the north end of the parking lot side of the library.  Books can also be returned inside to the book return slot at the circulation desk.  No daily fines are being assessed.

Q: Can I check out a physical book?

A: Yes, currently enrolled students, faculty, and staff can check out physical books:

  • Use the “Library Search” to find materials and the associated call number.  We use the Library of Congress Classification System.
  • Use the call number(s) to find the materials: A-G are located upstairs, H-PN4874.M are on the mezzanine level, and PN4874.N-Z are in the silent area
  • Bring the materials to the reference desk for checkout. You will need your ID card, or we can look you up with ID number or your name, but we will need to ask a confirmation question for these methods.
  • Students can check out up to 20 books for a 21 day period and faculty/staff have unlimited checkouts for the duration of the semester.

Q: What are reserve books and can they be checked out?

A: Reserve books are (primarily) textbooks used in Temple College curriculum and are available for in-library use. Reserve books can be checked out for an initial two hours, but if not requested by another student after the initial two hours, may continue to be used until the end of the day.