
Program Information

Welcome to the Kinesiology Department. Our department offers classes on the main Temple College campus and online. Classes are available for those who are wanting to complete a Kinesiology degree.  Our program is designed for university transfer and to prepare you for a career in health, wellness, fitness and sport.
Row 1 contains career and average entry salary. Row 2 contains link for texas wages data.

Athletic Trainer

Average entry-level salary $36,632
(with Bachelor's Degree)

Physical Therapist

Average entry-level salary $62,348
(with Doctoral Degree)

All data listed incorporates Central Texas jobs and entry wages found on
Row 1 contains career and average entry salary. Row 2 contains link for texas wages data.

Personal Trainer

Average entry-level salary $40,106
(with Specialized Training & Certification)

Community Service Specialist

Average entry-level salary $51,713
(with Bachelor's Degree)

All data listed incorporates Central Texas jobs and entry wages found on